Which Word Do I Use? A Quickie Guide to the Most Confusing Word Pairs
Learn to use the correct word, from 33 word groups. Say what you mean to say!
18 pages
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This book does not contain every confusing word pair. That would be more information than most people need. Rather, this e-book addresses the most common word problems.
If you master these words, you will solve most word usage problems. Also, this book does not contain one-sentence definitions. Instead, you get definitions (can’t get around that), explanations, guidance on using the words, and examples with discussion.
The point is this: You will learn to use these words so you don’t have to keep looking them up, so you say what you mean, and so you can be confident about your writing.
You will learn to use these 33 word groups correctly:
- accept / except
- all ready / already
- all right / alright
- although / while
- amount of / number of
- anxious / eager
- because / as
- between / among
- biannual / biennial
- complement / compliment
- compose / comprise
- continuous / continual
- could of / could have / should of / should have
- counsel / council
- effect / affect
- everybody / every body
- farther / further
- good / well
- hopefully / hopeful
- i.e. / e.g.
- if / whether
- imply / infer
- in / on
- irregardless / regardless
- lay / lie
- less / fewer
- like / such as
- realize / think / believe / feel
- skim / scan
- that / which
- was / were
- who / that
- who / whom
Based on more than 20 years of editing clients’ documents, these are the 33 word groups that confuse most people. This handy reference guide/instructional book will help you write professionally and say what you mean.
Get your copy and learn how to use these words right.