Strategies for Concise Writing, part two of the Essential Writing Skills series.
Learn to make your point simply and clearly. 42 strategies with instructions and samples.
24 pages
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Other eBooks in the Essential Writing Skills series:
Part two of the Essential Writing Skills Series.
Good writing is concise. Concise writing communicates clearly, and it demonstrates respect for the reader. When every word in your document adds value, you will help your reader understand the text and keep your reader interested in your ideas.
Strategies for Concise Writing contains 42 strategies for writing concisely, organized in 5 sections:
- Make Verbs Do the Work,
- Simplifying Adjectives and Adverbs,
- Organization and Focus,
- Phrases and Words to Cut, and
- Phrases to Reduce.
Improve your writing by learning to write concisely. Make your point clear.